2000 Complex Renovations Project – 07-21-19 Weekly Construction Update
Work This Week: Construction crews finished the installation of Wireless Access Points in Building 2400 and patched IDF in the projector room…
Work This Week: Construction crews finished the installation of Wireless Access Points in Building 2400 and patched IDF in the projector room…
Work This Week: Construction crews finished running new CAT5, CAT6, and Fiber Optics into Building 2400…
Work this week: The electrical contractor spiced all fiber at the exterior WAP’s and in the IDF cabinets in buildings 1700 and 7500…
Work this week: The electrical contractor finished installing the data equipment in IDF racks in buildings 9100 and 7500…
Work this week: The electrical contractor installed the WAP poles and WAP devices at the softball field and track…
Monthly status update on all existing Measure L projects.
Work this week: The electrical contractor has continued terminating data and installing equipment in the new IDF racks…
Work this week: The electrical contractor has continued terminating data and installing equipment in the new IDF racks…
Work this week: The electrical contractor terminate data and installing equipment in the new IDF rack in building 9100…
Work this week: The electrical contractor has been installing new conduit and pull boxes from the new IDF rack location to the new exterior WAP locations in building 1200…