SLO Campus Center Construction


Project Overview

Project Start Date: Spring 2023 Project Completion Date: Spring 2025

Proposed Campus Center Building on the San Luis Obispo Campus will create a cohesive student services facility and provide a one-stop experience for visitors, community, and students. Proposed building will enhance the Campus Front Door and provide further visibility from Highway 1. The building will have a welcome center and help desk to assist students and provide support as needed. It will house programs such as Counseling, Admissions, Financial aid, Cashier, DSPS, Outreach and Workforce Coordinator. By housing all of the student support services in one location, students will have everything they need for a successful educational experience at Cuesta College under one roof. The second floor will house College Administration, Board Room, Human Resources, and Foundation. This will allow for more interaction between students and staff promoting more welcoming and helping environment.


Project Documentation

Notice to Proceed – SLO Campus New Campus Center Project

A notice to proceed for the Cuesta College San Luis Obispo County Campus Center Project was sent to the following firm on April 6, 2023:

• Wysong Construction

Notice of Award – SLO Campus New Campus Center Project

A notice of award related to the Cuesta College San Luis Obispo County Campus Center Project was sent to the following firm on March 28, 2023:

• Wysong Construction

Notice of Intent – SLO Campus New Campus Center Project

A notice of intent to award the Cuesta College San Luis Obispo Campus Center Project was sent to the following non-awardees on March 22, 2023:

• Newton Construction & Management, Inc.
• ProWest Constructors, Inc.

District Board of Trustees Rejects all Bids – SLO Campus New Campus Center Project

A notice to reject all bids received on December 15, 2022 for the Cuesta College San Luis Obispo County Campus – Campus Center Project was sent to the following contractors on February 2, 2023:

• Edwards Construction Group
• F&H Construction
• Wysong Construction
• PCL Construction Services, Inc.
• Newton Construction & Management, Inc.